Automotive Life Skills Clinic in Las Vegas

Boys and Girls Clubs of So. Nevada offers area teens FREE Auto Life Skills Clinics
Teen drivers and their parents are encouraged to sign-up quickly for the FREE Auto Safety, Car Care and Roadside Emergency class being offered through a grant from The Nevada Office of Traffic Safety.
Critical Automotive Life Skills training for Gen X Y Z.
Attendees will participate in hands-on, interactive activities including drunk driving simulations, tire changing, seat restraint installation and critical operational techniques taught by certified driving professionals, race car drivers and law enforcement.
Experts in legal and insurance areas will address saving money and understanding the law as a parent or teen behind the wheel.
Registration is open and space is limited to 100 teens per clinic. The events will be held around the county on school vacation and holidays including summer vacation.
Participants will receive a certificate of completion and be eligible to win an iPad/tablet.
CLICK here for more information or to register.
Attendees do not have to be members of the Boys and Girls Clubs